Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Body Image And Its Effects On Women - 1539 Words

It was once said by the common woman, â€Å"Zero percent of women haven’t struggled with body image issues.† Body image is how a person feels toward their bodies, and how they picture what other people see them as. Stereotypes started by the media cause normal women to sometimes feel insecure. This can case eating and mental disorders. These disorders can be dismissed by people that think the victim is just seeking attention, but these problems are real. The media, magazines, advertisements, and other social practices are negatively affecting women and how they view themselves. â€Å"Body image begins to form in grade school because that’s when children/people start comparing themselves to others,† said Dr. Gene Beresin, a child and adult psychiatrist and associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical. Body image is how a person perceives themselves, including their imagination, emotional, and physical sensations (The Media and Body Image, 1). Teens that suffer from negative body image let the bad thoughts shatter their self-esteem, the sense of how valuable they are as people (Maynard, 1). The lowered self-esteem may lead to depression, eating disorders, or mental disorders. Bryan Karazsia, the associate professor of psychology at the College of Wooster, said, â€Å"Body dissatisfaction is not linked with health. It’s linked with a lot of negative things like eating disorders, unhealthy exercise habits, low self-esteem, and depression.† Women have historically dealt with theirShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media On Women s Body Image1242 Words   |  5 Pagescultural aspects particularly influenced by the media is body image. A surprisingly large number of individuals, the majority of which are young women, develop their body image in with the ideas advanced by the media, which judge women’s attractiveness based on how thin they are. Body-image plays a very important role in our individualistic society. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Cultural Issues of Human Resource Management Free Essays

string(128) " points out the dangers of our assumptions and beliefs systems when working with coachees from varying origins and backgrounds\." International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Issues of Human Resource Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2 August, 2007 Page 45 Carrying Cultural Baggage: the contribution of socio-cultural anthropology to cross-cultural coaching Barbara St Claire-Ostwald, CINCRA International Coaching Training Consultancy, UK Email Contact: barbara@cincra. com Abstract This study examines the cultural awareness of professionals working in organisations. Given the multicultural nature of today’s workforce, it is becoming increasingly important for companies and coaches alike to take into account how cross-cultural differences may affect daily working practices. The study draws on a review of current research into cultural dimensions and looks at the complex relationship between personality and culture – our ‘cultural baggage’. In order to explore the opinions and cultural awareness of participants, a questionnaire was developed. The purpose of the questionnaire was to identify themes and orientations to cross-cultural issues in terms not only of communality but also of paradoxes. The results highlighted a high level of recognition of cultural dilemmas and a perceived need and willingness to address and reconcile them. However, the diversity of opinions about the potential benefits of specific methods of addressing cultural dilemmas suggested considerable uncertainly about dealing with cross cultural issues. Key Words: Cross-cultural, cultural baggage, cultural dimensions, coaching, mentoring, socio-cultural anthropology Introduction The aim of this paper is to report on the results of a study designed to explore the emerging discipline of cross-cultural coaching (Rosinski 2003) and to establish the levels of awareness about, and attitudes to cross-cultural issues; the patterns and/or relationships between awareness, attitudes and cultural dimensions among businesses and business consultants, coaches, mentors and coaching/mentoring organisations. I began this study from the perspective that while there has been some research into mentoring and coaching, there appeared to be little that focussed specifically on cross-cultural influences. In my review of the available literature, it became increasingly clear that the integration of a cultural perspective into coaching was very much at the ‘pioneering’ stage. The main aims of this study were to try and establish levels of awareness bout, and attitudes to cross-cultural issues; and to study the patterns and/or relationships between awareness, attitudes and the cultural dimensions developed by Hofstede and Trompenaars and HampdenTurner among businesses and business consultants, and coaching organisations. Cross-cultural coaching addresses the way in which cultural differences affect the daily lives of people, and raises awareness of cultural differences and the effect they can have on the process of managing others and doing business in general. In today’s global economy organisations understand that to sustain successful and resilient businesses and to keep their competitive edge, they must develop employees who understand their global business, and employ people with global skills. Rosinski (2003) and Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) have developed pioneering work in cross-cultural competencies and coaching methods. At a fundamental level, their International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. 2 August, 2007 Page 46 work has been based on the works of socio-cultural anthropologists Hofstede (1980) and Schwartz (1994). Their contribution in overcoming cultural miscommunication, tension and conflict, including the perils of stereotyping and ‘mono-culturalism’, has helped to formulate and explore the hypothesis of this study. Cultural baggage: a by-product of cultural systems Socio-anthropological thinking is based on the premise that all humans are born with the same basic physical characteristics, but depending on where they grow up, each individual is exposed to different climates, foods, languages, religious beliefs etc. Therefore, ‘are we really self-made or did our parents, teachers, families and friends have a hand in it? ’ (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997, p. 54). Thus, one could argue that the socioanthropological perspective on culture takes a holistic view, describing culture as a pattern of learned and shared behaviours of people and/or groups consisting of belief systems and languages; and of social relationships be they personal, organisational, or institutional. (Hall, 1963; Hall and Hall, 1987; Hofstede, 1980; Kondo, 1990; Levi-Strauss, 1966; Schwartz, 1994). Therefore, at a fundamental level, it could be argued that culture is a representation of a complete way of life of a people who share the same attitudes, values and practices. Csikszentmihalyi (1997, p. 7) makes the distinction of ‘identity’ by using snowflakes as a metaphor: â€Å"They look identical as they fall, but taking a closer look, we soon discover that they are not identical†. Hence, he argues, rather than seeing identity as a single unitary self, perhaps cultural identity should be viewed as being multi-faceted, i. e. cknowledging that people have a number of selves or identities depending on context and setting. For example, the biggest barrier individuals and/or employees encounter is not necessarily that they come from different parts of the world, or that they speak a different language or even occupy a different physical space, it is the baggage they carry in their own cultural suitcases which needs to be explored. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner m aintain that what people expect depends on where they come from, and the meanings they give to what they have or are experiencing. They argue that â€Å"expectations occur on many different levels, from concrete, explicit level to implicit and subconscious ones† (1997, p. 21). Furthermore, they describe culture as consisting of various layers: †¦The outer layers are the products and artefacts that symbolise the deeper, more basic values and assumptions about life. The different layers are not independent from one another, but are complementary [†¦]. The shared meanings that are the core of the culture are man-made; are incorporated into people within a culture yet transcend the people in culture. (1997, p. 7) Cross-cultural dilemmas Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner argue that â€Å"Every culture distinguishes itself from others by the specific solutions it chooses to certain problems which reveal themselves as dilemmas† (p. 8); to this end, they have incorporated best management theories into their own analysis of the task of managing across cultures. These theories were realized by using a participant questionnaire profiler, which was based on their Seven Dimensions of Culture model and by incorporating Trompenaars and Woolliams framework for managing change across cultures. Similarly, Rosinski points out the dangers of our assumptions and beliefs systems when working with coachees from varying origins and backgrounds. You read "Cultural Issues of Human Resource Management" in category "Papers" He argues that by providing a framework for integrating coaching and cultural perspectives, i. e. examining numerous International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. 2 August, 2007 Page 47 cultural orientations, styles and approaches to coaching, the development of a cross-cultural mindset will be facilitated. For example, he writes: Our identity could be viewed as this personal and dynamic synthesis of multiple cultures. Our behaviour will typically vary depending on the group we happen to be associated with [. †¦]. The fact that our behaviours depend in part on the particular cultural context further justifies the need for coaches to integrate the cultural perspective into their practice. In some cases the obstacle to someone’s progress may be cultural rather than psychological, thus calling for a different coaching dialogue. p. 1) Furthermore, he maintains that cultural awareness is more than just realizing another culture is different from our own; it is also about learning to value that other culture. He argues that culture is behind our behaviour, and often without our realization. It can influence how close we stand, how loud we speak, how we deal with conflict and as a result, by failing to understand how culture impacts our needs and preferences, culture can often lead us to misinterpret behaviour. Methodology As the research was exploratory, I focussed the design on two main aspects: the initial review of literature which drew on a broad array of coaching and socio-anthropological theories and studies, and the less extensive, but nevertheless in-depth cross-cultural coaching work of Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997), and Rosinski (2003). In turn, this provided the basis for the primary research, which took the form of a questionnaire which was sent to a small expert survey sample to identify cross-cultural themes and patterns. To ensure that survey participants had some recognizable expertise on the subject under investigation, I adopted the model in (Fig. 1) below. On the one hand, I was attempting to quantify levels of awareness of cross-cultural issues, as well as to explore the accompanying opinions, beliefs and assumptions, and how they relate to the dimensions of culture. I was also trying to make sure that the survey respondents would have an interest in this particular area of study. Fig. Survey Sample and Questionnaire Model Corporate/Business Consultants Awareness Opinions Coaching Organisations The survey sample was not only limited in size, but also in terms of the geographical make-up of the participants, who were mostly from the U. K. with the rest from continental Europe. By International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. 2 August, 2007 Page 48 extension it would be difficult to generalise from the results, however, this was not the intention of the study. While gender could also be a factor which might influence attitudes and responses, the exploratory nature of the study precluded it from being a controlled variable at this point, although this issue could form the basis for further research. The purpose of the initial questionnaire was to elicit the opinions of the survey participants in order to identify themes and orientations to cross-cultural issues, in terms of communality as well as potential paradoxes. It was also intended to see how these opinions and orientations fitted with responses to questions about the various cultural dimensions identified and developed by Hofstede and Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner. The questionnaire was therefore divided into two parts. The first section addressed the opinions about attitudes, values and behaviours pertaining to culture in general, cultural dilemmas and, to crosscultural coaching and training specifically. I also decided to use a number of similar questions to check for inconsistencies in responses, which might indicate either a paradox in terms of opinions, possibly a conflict between a ‘norm’ and a given individual’s personal view, or could reflect a lack of appreciation for, or indeed indifference to, a given issue. The second section of the questionnaire was constructed on the basis of Hofstede’s and Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner’s cultural dimensions, and sought to elicit culture-specific values, beliefs and assumptions which could influence cross-cultural interaction within a professional environment. Results, discussions and recommendations In analyzing the responses to the questionnaire, it was evident that there was a high level of recognition of the importance of cross-cultural issues, and the need to address and reconcile them. However it was very difficult to define or quantify levels of cultural awareness, which was to some extent unsurprising given the complexity of the issues involved. But as I outlined in the methodology, a major objective was also to explore the quality of awareness and understanding of cultural dilemmas and dimensions. In this respect, the first section of the questionnaire (on attitudes to culture and potential cross-cultural training solutions) was very instructive in terms of perceptions about the relationship between culture and personality. In my opinion, the most notable contrast was that there was considerably greater agreement that culture shapes the personality and a lot more uncertainty about how the individual shapes culture. This impression was further reinforced by the general agreement that managers from different cultures do not necessarily find it easy to adapt their behaviour to fit the different needs of another culture. From a coaching perspective, it suggests some attention needs to be paid to how an individual perceives and relates to his/her culture. For example, there is a clear difference between seeing culture as providing a framework for social interaction, which is constantly evolving, and on the other hand perceiving culture as providing a set of social constraints. In either case, there may be some elements of our culture, which at an individual level are considered to be important in our everyday lives, while there are others which may be difficult to accept, which could be sources of tension with other members of our culture. Given that such perceptions may be operating partly at a subconscious level, this may not be easy to establish. But they appear to me to be a significant element in the process of gaining a better understanding of our cultural baggage, i. e. in how we synthesize the myriad of cultural groupings to which we are exposed on a daily basis. There was greater diversity of opinion about the benefits of specific cross-cultural training solutions, and when, where and how they might be applied. The initial conclusion that can be drawn is this shows that the process of integrating the cross-cultural domain into both business and coaching practice is still at an early stage of development. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. 2 August, 2007 Page 49 As far as improving the general awareness and understanding of the benefits of cross-cultural training, three sets of responses in the first section seem to me to define some of the issues that need to be addressed. Firstly the fact that half of the respondents believed that cultural issues within organisations are dealt with only if they relate to behavioural issues is indicative of a certain level of resistance to dealing with these issues, which may be due to an appreciation of the complexity of such issues. On the other hand, if cultural issues in some organisations are only addressed when there is a behavioural conflict, then this will tend to cast them in a negative light. Hence it does lead to the conclusion that some organisations are not sufficiently aware that ignoring and playing down cultural differences, as well as evaluating them negatively, is a major contributor to miscommunication, misunderstanding and conflict. Secondly, while coaches largely agreed that business managers recognise that diversity training should now include cross-cultural training for employees sent on global assignments, the business organisation responses were much divided. This leads me to conclude that some businesses are either unaware, or possibly not persuaded of the benefits of this specific approach. Nevertheless this set of responses, and the fact that none of the respondents disagreed that incorporating the dilemmas deriving from the differences in cultural dimensions help organisations to integrate their cultural orientations suggests that the key area of uncertainty among businesses and coaches is the method and/or models of integrating cultural dilemmas. The point that this suggests to me is, that before any attempt is made to develop the skills necessary to negotiate the differences between cultures, a greater awareness of how we negotiate difference in our own culture is required. This is to say we need to be more consciously and self-critically aware of the assumptions that underlie our habitual responses and modes of interaction, in other words our cultural baggage. In principal this is already the main focus of traditional coaching and mentoring. But I believe considerably more research needs to be conducted into how these methods and skills can be developed to take account of and integrate cross-cultural issues and dilemmas. From national to cross-cultural perspectives Cross-cultural research has largely focused on national differences because it is much easier to establish a person’s nationality, than to identify him/her as belonging to another type of cultural grouping, be that regional, professional, political, economic or social. The most frequently cited reason is that a given individual will be a member of numerous forms of socalled sub-cultures or higher level cultures (e. g. European), which in effect rules them out as unique independent variables. But I believe that without exercising some control for the effect of these ‘other’ cultural variables, it is difficult to be sure that attributing a given behaviour, belief, value or attitude expressed by an individual to national cultural influences is theoretically or empirically valid. For example, even at a national level, there has to be particular care to acknowledge the difference between ethnically diverse nations such as Canada or Malaysia; ethnically and/or religiously divided nations such as Belgium or the former Yugoslavia, or relatively homogeneous nations such as Japan or Korea, let alone very complex national cultures such as China or India. In essence, this does nothing more than acknowledge that socio-cultural anthropology is the study of the dilemmas and problems of differences and similarities not only between, but also within societies. In the specific context of this study, one of the most interesting aspects of the responses to the second section of the questionnaire on cultural dimensions was the differences in opinions both within and between coaches and business organisations. My original intention in including a section on cultural dimensions was to explore the relationship between these responses and those on the first section of the questionnaire. But the differences of opinions between the two sets of respondents on ‘universalism vs. particularism’ and ‘individualism vs. ommunitarianism’ (Fig. 6) suggested to me that I had to consider whether these opinions in some way reflected values that were influenced by the differing needs and requirements of the corporate and coaching environments. I cannot conclude whether this was the key influence International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. 2 August, 2007 Page 50 on these responses. However I do think this e mphasizes that it is tenuous to assume that the responses to such value dimensions questionnaires can be ascribed largely to national culture. I also believe that the way that corporate and professional culture influences our habits and values requires a great deal more in-depth research. For example, it might be interesting to establish whether there are differences in the responses to a cultural dimensions questionnaire between professional groups, e. g. doctors, police officers, computer programmers, sports professionals, etc. , and how these compare to national differences. However, it also has to be acknowledged that the difficulty of drawing any definite conclusions about key influences is clearly a limitation to the use of questionnaires in general. This does suggest it would have been preferable to be able to expand and explore the data that was generated by the questionnaires via follow-up interviews. But, as discussed in the methodology, this would have required a lot more time and resources than were available to me in this study. Nevertheless analyzing the results in relation to the problem of ignoring and playing down the importance of cultural differences also suggested that the questionnaire design needed refinement. Specifically, I was unable to deduce or make any assumptions about what level of importance each respondent attached to each of the dimensions. A system of ranking the various value dimensions is not a new concept or methodology, in that it is very similar to the two ‘basic bipolar’ dimensions of ‘openness to change vs. conservation’ and ‘selfenhancement vs. self transcendence’ that are incorporated as higher dimensions in the Schwartz Value Inventory (Fig. 4). But more importantly I think that more research into developing a system of ranking the value dimensions would not only help to identify those value dimensions, which may be ignored, downplayed or even negatively evaluated, but also provide a potentially very useful tool for integrating the cross-cultural dimension into traditional coaching and mentoring practices. Conclusion From this specific perspective, a focus on quantifying how national cultures differ along the various value dimensions that have been identified does run some risk of contributing to the formation of cultural stereotypes, which have little or no predictive value. This is why greater emphasis needs to be placed on understanding our own ‘cultural baggage’ from a coaching perspective, particularly on the dynamic processes of the way in which our own culture has, and is evolving. The building blocks of improving cultural awareness and developing cross-cultural skills therefore have much in common with the key skills associated with building rapport as a coach or mentor. For the coach or business organisation, it is therefore about understanding the processes involved with the different ways in which we negotiate social interaction, and the elements of the various models of culture. These range from the apparently simple distinction between the visible and invisible level of values (Fig. 1) to the complexity of Schwartz’s ‘Theoretical model of relations among motivational value types and two basic bipolar value dimensions’ (Fig. 4). It is about raising our awareness of what is subconscious and invisible up to a conscious and visible level; and from there we can develop the skills necessary to negotiate ways of interacting with others whose values, attitudes and habits, or indeed in contexts are unfamiliar to us. I believe that if this is to be achieved, coaching and cross-cultural research needs to transcend the limitations of a focus on national culture. It needs to acknowledge that cultural identity should be viewed as being multi-faceted, and that people have a number of selves or identities depending on context and setting. The work of Schwartz, Hofstede and Trompenaars Hampden-Turner has provided very valuable insight into the cultural dimensions, which help to identify the way in which values differ between national cultures. However, they would also be the first to acknowledge that International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol. 5. No. 2 August, 2007 Page 51 national cultures are in a constant state of change, and this in turn dictates the need to evolve their questionnaires, re-analyze the accompanying databases of results, and amend and redefine their models accordingly. But perhaps the key aspect for further research is to develop methods that place a greater emphasis on the processes though which culture changes. In other words how human actions and practices change, and new meanings evolve in response to changes to social contexts. By this I mean for example: the impact of increased migration (whether voluntary, or in response to political or economic factors), or the proliferation of new forms of communication like the internet, not only on working environments, but on the myriad ways in which we organize our social lives. The point being that this should help to move research and practice from a focus on more abstract concepts such as values, to the ways in which culture is produced and negotiated. Consequently, as Rosinski (2003, p. xviii) said, ‘intercultural professionals will be better equipped to fulfil their commitment to extend people’s worldviews, bridge cultural gaps, and enable successful work across cultures’. 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Nietzsche, F. quotes, QuotationsPage (2005) http://www. quotationspage. com/quotes/Friedrich_Nietzsche/ Oxford Dictionary of English (2003), Catherine Soanes and Angus Stevenson (Editors), Oxford: Oxford University Press Peterson, D. Hicks, M. D. (1996), Leader as coach: Strategies for coaching and developing others, Minneapolis, MN: Personnel Decisions International Potter, J. Wetherell, M. (1995), ‘Discourse analysis’, in Smith, J. , Harre, R. , van Langenhove, R. , (Eds), Rethinking Methods in Psychology, London: Sage Robson C. (1992), Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitionerresearchers, Oxford: B lackwell Publishing Rosinski, P. (2003), Coaching Across Cultures, London: Nicholas Brealey Schwartz, S. H. (1994), Beyond Individualism/Collectivism – New Dimensions of Values. in Individualism and Collectivism: Theory Application and Methods, U. Kim, H. C. Triandis, C. Kagitciabasi, S. C. Choi and G. Yoon (Eds) Newbury Park CA: Sage. Tao Te Ching quotes, ThinkExist quotations (2005), http://en. thinkexist. com/quotes/Tao_Te_Ching The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2000), 4th Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Sociology (1991), 4th edition, Guilford, Connecticut: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc. Trompenaars, F. Hampden-Turner, C. (1997), Riding the Waves of Culture, London: Nicholas Brealey (2nd Ed) Trompenaars, F. Hampden-Turner, C. 1993), The Seven Cultures of Capitalism, London: Piatkus Trompenaars, F. Woolliams, P. (2003), Journal of Change Management Vol. 3, 4, p. 361375: Henry Stewart Publication Watson, T. J. (2001), In Search of Management – Culture, chaos and control in managerial work, London: Thomson Learning Whitworth, L. , Kimsey-House, H. , Sandahl, P. (1998), Co-Active Coaching, Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publishing Zachary, L. J. (2000), The Mentor’s Guide – Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Zeus, P. Skiffington, S. 2002), The Coaching at Work Toolkit – A Complete Guide to Techniques and Practices, Australia: McGraw-Hill Barbara StClaire-Ostwald is an international coach and freelance consultant who specialises in cross-cultural awareness and developing successful and effective communication skills for global managers and teams. Barbara grew up in the United Kingdom as a Polish/British dual national. Prior to setting up her coaching practice CINCRA, she lived and worked in the UK, Continental Europe and North Africa for over 30 years; working for multinationals in the private, public and not for profit sectors. Barbara is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and until recently, Chair of the EMCC European Conference Committee. She is also a member of the British Psychological Society, Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, British Sociological Association and the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR). She is tri-lingual (Polish, English, French) and she is able to converse in Dutch, German, Czech and Slovak. How to cite Cultural Issues of Human Resource Management, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rebel Without A Cause VS. The Catcher in the Rye free essay sample

Holden Caulfield, from The Catcher in the Rye, and Jim Stark, from the film Rebel without a Cause, are both teenage protagonist characters in the 1950’s.The two can relate as both of them struggle with transitions from childhood innocence to adulthood and their paradoxical way of living, but how they deal with their honor is the key that differentiates their stories. As Holden Caulfield and Jim Stark’s stories lead them on two separate journeys, honor is a factor they subconsciously both experienced. It matters to Jim, as does Holden, that he maintains a reputable person and covers up his innermost thoughts of staying innocent, for example, when Jim and Ray, the Sheriff, are talking, Ray starts off by saying, â€Å"You had a good start in the wrong direction back there. Whyd you do it?† â€Å"Whaddya mean? Mess a kid up?† â€Å"Yeah.† â€Å"Called me a chicken†( Rebel Without A Cause). We will write a custom essay sample on Rebel Without A Cause VS. The Catcher in the Rye or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jim feels that he needs to live up to what society has painted as a young man, not a little boy. Just as Holden feels the need to bash the person’s face in who wrote a nasty thing on the wall at Phoebe’s school, they’re in it to protect the things that make their world go round. Caulfield and Stark also both have conflicts in their lives without a role model figure. When both characters seek answers in their elders, like Holden asks the cab driver for closure, Jim searches for them in his Father as he says, â€Å"You better give me something! You better give me something fast!†(Rebel Without A Cause). To Jim, his father is just another Pal, not someone to look up to, to set guidelines and standards for him. He feels that he grows up each time his father doesn’t give him an answer, he has to find it on his own and that really pushes him to the limit. As both characters make their way day by day, they find themselves in more frustration than alleviat ion. Even as Jim and Holden hold honor dear to their hearts, it is how they each handled it that resulted in different outcomes of their tales. For example, instead of going to extremes to protect his pride like Jim, Holden cares more about the loss of Other’s innocence and honor, as well as the need to stay behind and protect them, like when he says, â€Å"I know it’s crazy, but that’s the only thing I’d really like to be†¦anyway, I kept picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all†¦ what I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff†( The Catcher in the Rye). Holden strolls along in life, figuring out that he can live and learn if his pride is diminished or not. Jim, on the other hand seems to put himself in make or break situations and stretches his honor to his limits. It is the closeness that the two pushed or held what is dearest to them that changed their ambitions entir ely. Both protagonists deal with the border line of transitioning into adulthood, Jim pretends to be grownup but can face reality more quickly, and Holden actually tries so hard to be an adult, he cannot see it is only himself in the way. For example, when Holden pays for a prostitute to come to his hotel room he says, â€Å"Nothings the matter. The thing is, I had an operation very recently†( The Catcher in the Rye). Holden copies the â€Å"phony† adults and their actions and criticizes them about it, only to realize he is not as grown up as he wants to be. Holden cannot leave that innocent essence, unlike Jim. Just like anybody else, Holden Caulfield and Jim stark live with every day struggles including love, pureness, repressed feelings, identity, and most of all honor. Their paradoxical personalities and behavior contradict themselves, yet at the same time agree. Two different stories with one of the same major themes in common, yet how they latched onto that and took care of that, is how it changed their classic stories.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Plato, The Stoics And The Epicureans Views On Pleasure And Pain. Essay

Plato, the Stoics and the Epicureans Views on Pleasure and Pain. Plato, the Stoics and the Epicureans Views on Pleasure and Pain. Plato's believes that the body is nothing but constant distraction to the soul. The five senses, along with pleasure and pain are among the most distracting feature of the body because with them, one cannot search for reality. Plato viewed death as the one release from the body in which the soul is free to search with reality, since it has no contact or association with the body. Plato thinks of pleasure and pain, as something one cannot have without the other, "A man cannot have both at the same time. Yet if he pursues and catches one, he is bound to catch the other." But Plato believed that to distance your self from pleasure and pain as much as possible. On the other hand, the Epicureans believed it was natural for humans to seek the pleasant life above all other things, this included needs that are natural and necessary such as food and shelter, and often needs that were natural and unnecessary such as sexual gratification. The Epicurean philosophy did not include needs that were unnatural and unnecessary such as wealth and extreme luxury. Epicureans believed that by trying to satisfy the unnatural and unnecessary pleasures, that one would ultimately find disappointment, failure or illness in the end. Finally the Stoics believed all that occurs, happens in accordance to Natural Law. Their two fundamentals are: 1. Whatever happens is the inevitable outcome of the logic of the universe. 2. Whatever happens, is for a reason, and therefore is fore the best. According to these two fundamentals, Stoics outage on the body would be to go with whatever seems natural, and whatever it is, cannot be helped. The ideal stoic would go about life as an actor in a play, playing the roll they are assigned. If one becomes ill, the would play the part accordingly. The stoic philosophy also say to remain uninvolved emotionally in your fate, and you will live an untroubled life. If someone adheres to this philosophy, they would in essence live a pleasant life. However, the Stoic views of pleasure and pain could would be to simply accept them, and let your opinions of them get in the way. Personally, I feel the views of the Epicureans is the one I agree with the most, however they all have qualities that I believe in. The main reason I agree with the Epicureans, is for their belief that people should not go after pleasures that are unnatural or unnecessary. Although there are a few pleasures I do go for that are unnatural and unnecessary(such as the computer I am typing on.) I do think people do not have to live an extravagant life style, such as the pursuit of wealth and power. And I feel all people should get the necessary and natural pleasures fulfilled. I believed this prior to taking any philosophy courses, and I will continue to believe this for some time to come.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Study of Human Behavior 10 Facts That Will Make You Fall in Love with the Course

Study of Human Behavior 10 Facts That Will Make You Fall in Love with the Course Study of Human Behavior: 10 Facts That Will Make You Fall in Love with the Course Even the words â€Å"human behavior† make you yawn. But, it just sounds so dry and boring. Actually, you’re wrong. The study of human behavior is truly fascinating. The way we behave is unpredictable, weird, and sometimes wonderful. Here are 10 fun facts that will make you hungry to learn more. High levels of testosterone have been linked to pleasure in the expression of anger towards others. We all know that testosterone can make us more aggressive, but now the reason is clear. The expression of anger gives some of us pleasure similar to what we feel when having sex. After you die, your brain remains alive for 7 minutes replaying all the memories from your life. So it turns out that you really do â€Å"see your life flash before your eyes† when dying. Spooky, isn’t it? Studies have confirmed that publicly stating a goal to others makes it less likely that you will succeed. The added pressure of the expectations of others causes you to lose your motivation. So next New Year’s, try writing your resolutions down privately instead of posting them publicly on social media and see what a difference it makes. It has been found that people with low self-esteem are more likely to engage in acts to purposely humiliate others. It turns out Mom was right all along. Bullies really do just feel bad about themselves. When a person lies, he or she has a tendency to look to the left or upwards. Anywhere but directly in the eyes of the person they’re talking to! The last person you are thinking about before you fall asleep is either a root cause of happiness or pain in your life. Perhaps this also explains why they so frequently show up in your dreams at night, too. When we have negative opinions about others, we really believe that these opinions are true and unbiased. That teacher is just incompetent and everyone knows it. The fact that he gave you a failing grade on your last paper has nothing to do with it. Intelligent women are more likely to remain single. It turns out that women with a higher IQ usually prefer being alone to being with the wrong people. So, if you’re a girl who has been single for a long time, it could just mean that you’re smarter than an average one. When listening to boring speeches, we are constantly rewriting them in our minds to make them more interesting. It’s our own inner defense mechanism to help keep us focused when a lecturer drones on and on. And most of the time, we don’t even realize that we’re doing it. Physical sensations directly affect our behavior. For example, if an object feels physically heavy, we associate it with a feeling of seriousness. And it has been shown that contact with nature helps us cope with the stress better. Want to learn more intriguing facts about human behavior? There are plenty of them, and we guarantee that as you continue studying them, you will be endlessly fascinated and hungry to learn even more.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Angkor Wat Timeline

Angkor Wat Timeline At its height, the Khmer Empire that built Angkor Wat and the other marvelous temples near Siem Reap, Cambodia controlled much of Southeast Asia. From what is now Myanmar in the west to all but a thin strip of land along the Vietnamese coast of the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Khmers ruled it all.  Their reign continued for more than six hundred years, from 802 to 1431 CE. The Temples During that time, the Khmers built hundreds of gorgeous, intricately carved temples. Most began as Hindu temples, but many were later converted to Buddhist sites. In some cases, they switched back and forth between the two faiths numerous times, as attested by the different carvings and statues made at different time periods. Angkor Wat is the most wonderful of all these temples.  Its name means City of Temples or Capital City Temple.  When it was first constructed before 1150 CE, it was dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. By the end of the 12th century, however, it was gradually being transitioned into a Buddhist temple instead. Angkor Wat remains a center of Buddhist worship to this day. The Khmer Empires reign marks a high point in the cultural, religious, and artistic development of Southeast Asia. Eventually, however, all empires fall.  In the end, the Khmer Empire succumbed to drought and to incursions from neighboring peoples, particularly from Siam (Thailand).  Its ironic that the name Siem Reap, for the city nearest Angkor Wat, means Siam is defeated.  As it turned out, the people of Siam would bring down the Khmer Empire.  The lovely monuments remain today, though, testaments to the artistry, engineering and martial prowess of the Khmers. Timeline of Angkor Wat 802 C.E. - Jayavarman II is crowned, rules until 850, founds kingdom of Angkor. 877 - Indravarman I becomes king, orders construction of Preah Ko and Bakhong temples. 889 - Yashovarman I is crowned, rules until 900, completes Lolei, Indratataka, and Eastern Baray (reservoir), and builds Phnom Bakheng temple. 899 - Yasovarman I becomes king, rules until 917, establishes capital Yasodharapura on Angkor Wat site. 928 - Jayavarman IV takes throne, establishes capital at Lingapura (Koh Ker). 944 - Rajendravarman crowned, builds Eastern Mebon and Pre Rup. 967 - Delicate Banteay Srei temple built. 968-1000 - Reign of Jayavarman V, starts work on Ta Keo temple but never finishes it. 1002 - Khmer civil war between Jayaviravarman and Suryavarman I, construction begins on Western Baray. 1002 - Suryavarman I wins civil war, rules until 1050. 1050 - Udayadityavarman II takes throne, builds Baphuon. 1060 - Western Baray reservoir finished. 1080 - Mahidharapura Dynasty founded by Jayavarman VI, who builds Phimai temple. 1113 - Suryavarman II crowned king, rules until 1150, designs Angkor Wat. 1140 - Construction begins on Angkor Wat. 1177 - Angkor sacked by the Chams people from southern Vietnam, partially burned, Khmer king killed. 1181 - Jayavarman VII, famous for defeating Chams, becomes king, sacks Chams capital in reprisal in 1191. 1186 - Jayavarman VII builds Ta Prohm in honor of his mother. 1191 - Jayavarman VII dedicates Preah Khan to his father. End of 12th century - Angkor Thom (Great City) built as new capital, including state temple at the Bayon. 1220 - Jayavarman VII dies. 1296-97 - Chinese chronicler Zhou Daguan visits Angkor, records daily life in Khmer capital. 1327 - End of classical Khmer era, last stone engravings. 1352-57 - Angkor sacked by Ayutthaya Thais. 1393 - Angkor sacked again. 1431 - Angkor abandoned after invasion by Siam (Thais), although some monks continue to use the site.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Incentive pay as a way of compensating employees Essay

Incentive pay as a way of compensating employees - Essay Example According to the Vision Link advisory group, intrinsic rewards also allow employees to obtain a certain level of autonomy, provides opportunities for mastery in which employees may feel and see their progress, and it can establish purpose in their work so that they can feel that they are doing something good not only for themselves but also for the company. On the other hand, extrinsic compensation may include monetary and nonmonetary rewards. Examples of extrinsic compensation can be discretionary benefits such as paid time off and protection programs (Martocchio 86). Generally, â€Å"Incentive pay may come in the form of bonuses, profit sharing, or commission† (Business Dictionary). It is a monetary reward given to employees based on individual or group performances. This type of pay can reflect the way employees continue to pursue positive results in the workplace. In addition, incentive plans can inspire loyalty, commitment, and hard work. This type of plan will allow for recognition of outstanding workers and at the same time keeping track of the organizational goals (â€Å"Employee Incentive†). A company can decide on how they will design their incentive pay plans and on what criteria depending on what industry and type of the company. The most common types of incentive pay plans are individual incentive plans, group incentive plans, and companywide incentives. In many occasions, â€Å"Individual incentive plans reward employees for meeting such work-related performance standards as quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, safety, or attendance† (Martocchio 85). Organizations use individual incentive plans to motivate their employees by granting them the opportunity to receive additional income. These additional incomes can be given in forms of bonuses or commission (Joseph). There are different types of individual incentives the most common are piecework plans, management incentive plans, behavioral encouragement plans, and refe rral plans (Joseph). Piecework plans reward their employees for increases in productivity. It consists of the quantity and the quality of work produced. This criterion is based upon the supervisor’ or managers’ interpretation on the performance of the employee. Piecework plans can be used in industrial and production settings (Joseph). In contrast, management incentive plans involve several intricate objectives. This type of incentive only allows managers to receive their award when they reach objectives depending on sales, profit, production, or other criteria in the company (Martocchio 86). In addition, many companies may compensate their employees for referrals. Some companies use referrals to motivate their workers to recruit new employees into the company the employee will then be rewarded after the new employees has been in the company for a certain period (Joseph). Lastly there are behavioral encouragement plans where employees are given cash for specific behavi oral accomplishments. In addition to individual incentive plans, some companies choose to compensate or reward their employees as a group, in other words, based on collective performance. Group incentive plans are measured depending on customer satisfaction, labor cost savings, material cost savings, reduction in accidents, and services cost savings (Joseph). It is said that â€Å"well designed group incentive plans ultimately reinforce teamwork, cultivate loyalty to the company, and increase

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Theories of job design, the motivation to work and organizational Essay

Theories of job design, the motivation to work and organizational commitment - Essay Example Theories of Job Design have led a lot of organizations in the management of their personnel. The dominant perspective in the Job Design theory is the Job characteristics model offered by Hackman and Oldham (1976) which identifies five job characteristics that influence the motivation of the job-holder which has an effect on his or her job performance and well being. These characteristics are: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. In sum, the Job Characteristics Model identifies the three psychological states of employees affected by the job characteristics namely: knowledge of results, meaningfulness of work and personal feelings of responsibility for results. Increases in these psychological states result in increased motivation, performance and job satisfaction (Hackman and Oldham, 1976). The Job design theory has its applications in the workplace in various forms. One is job rotation, characterized by periodic shifting of a worker from one task to another. Being exposed to a variety of tasks leads to an increase in skill variety. One example is the practice implemented by Pepsi-Cola Company, and known as the best leadership-development program. The company regularly assessed future leaders with its standardized â€Å"Pepsi Success Factors†.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Essay Example for Free

Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Essay Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure Issue Identification The Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan (OTPP) is a defined contribution plan that was created in 1917 to provide and administer a pension plan for Ontario school teachers. Sponsored by the Ontario Government and the Ontario Teacher’s Federation, the plan currently supports 343,000 teachers, former teachers and pensioners. The recent government decision to eliminate the 30% constraint on foreign investments and the increased volatility in the currency market has prompted the OTPP Investment Committee to address the following: 1. Whether to continue the International Equity Swap Program 2. Whether to administer changes to the Foreign Exchange Hedging Policy Goals and Objectives In order to come to a decision, it is necessary that any solution put forth must align with the goals and objectives of the fund. OTPP is a long-term fund determined to minimize risk, costs and the additional contributions required to fund the plan while maximizing its returns. OTPP Investment Strategy In the early 1990’s the OTPP board realized that it was essential to begin investing abroad to diversify risk and to capitalize on international opportunities to achieve greater returns, given the size of the fund. However, it was not until 1996 that the Foreign Exchange Hedge Program (FX Hedge Program) was implemented in response to a significant rise in currency exposure. As the fund faced increased foreign currency risk, risk management became essential and thus, a hedging policy of 50% of its foreign currency exposure was introduced. Due to the fact that OTPP has a continual commitment in supporting its pensioners, it must expose itself to limited risk and effectively hedge against any unexpected changes in its investments. Hence, a conservative policy of hedging 50% of foreign exchange exposure was enforced. Additionally, the International Equity Swap Program (IE Swap Program) was implemented as a solution to the government restriction of 30% ownership of foreign investments. Since most assets were tied up in non-marketable Ontario Debentures, a swap program enabled OTPP to reallocate its assets. OTPP Performance Evaluation The strategic decision to diversify beyond Canada and into global markets has proved to be beneficial to the OTPP investment portfolio. It has contributed substantial value to the fund over the 10 year period (1995-2005) by reducing potential losses, since five of the six foreign currencies appreciated against the Canadian dollar. For the past 15 years, OTPP investments have also consistently outperformed the benchmark rate of returns, generating a 10-year average rate of return of 11. 4% and a gross return of $15. billion over benchmark returns. Despite the portfolio’s negative rate of returns in 2001-2002, it has still produced considerable investment growth in relation to the benchmark, demonstrating the strength of OTPP’s investment policies in risk management. However, since interest rates have declined by approximately 3% (1990-2004), the value of the pension fund has increased. This has resulted in larger amount of payments made to pen sioners. Additionally, the demographics of the OTPP plan membership have changed significantly over the past 30 years. The ratio of active members per retiree has decreased from 10:1 in the 1970s to the present ratio of 1. 6:1. Moreover, the expected years retirees rely on the pension have also increased to 29 years. All these factors have exerted a great deal of pressure on the pension plan to sustain its funding with contributions from fewer working teachers. With the foreign currency market being increasingly volatile, OTPP is concerned regarding its future ability to support pension payments. Decision Criteria The Investment Committee must consider the following criteria when deciding whether to implement changes to the International Equity Swap Program and Foreign Exchange Hedging Policy: the fund’s exposure to foreign exchange risk, transaction costs, and an alignment of goals and objectives of the fund. Alternative: Although OTPP has performed well in the past, the future outlook of the pension plan remains uncertain. Therefore, OTPP has four alternatives to the future direction of the fund. OTPP can continue or discontinue the IE Swap Program and maintain or revise the current 50% FX Hedge Policy. Continue/Discontinue the Swap Program Previously, the swap program was used as a means to bypass the government restriction on foreign investment. With the regulation being lifted, OTPP has to now evaluate whether the swap program remains necessary. The program has allowed OTPP to reallocate their assets cost-effectively as it eliminates OTPP’s cost of transacting directly in foreign exchange market. Moreover, since OTPP does not gain ownership of the securities, it has reduced the amount of cash required and limited its risk by transferring the risk to counter-parties (UBS, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, etc. ).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Breast Cancer Essay -- Health Breast Cancer Tumor Essays Papers

Breast Cancer There is a large amount of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day but they usually do not know a lot about it in terms of how it forms and the many ways it can be treated. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that shouldn’t be taken lightly; if it is left untreated it can spread to other organs and eventually kill you.   Even if you do not have breast cancer, chances are that you know or will know someone who will get it, so it is imperative that people understand how breast cancer forms, know the stages of breast cancer, be familiar with who gets breast cancer and how you can possibly avert it, and understand all of the different ways to treat the cancer and prevent it from coming back. Breast cancer always begins with a tumor much like most other forms of cancer.   As normal body cells, or DNA, grow and divide, abnormalities occur sometimes but in normal incidences those cells are detected by the body or ribosome so the cell then repairs itself or it will disable the DNA and die. Body cells develop and divide often during the early stages of life, after that cells only divide when there are cells to replace from dying or worn out cells from injuries or viruses.   Cancer cells develop from damage in DNA. Cancer cells are not detected as â€Å"abnormal,† therefore, they continue to grow and divide without being destroyed by the body.   Cancer cells have a damaged ability to bond to one another which means that the cells can’t tell each other to stop dividing when there are too many of them; they just keep trying to fill the space which results in a mass of cells forming a tumor. A tumor can either be malignant or benign.   A malignant tumor con tinues to grow and divide rapidly and it may become life... ...the lymph nodes under the armpit and into the breast to determine if the cancer has metastasized. Many things can contribute to the formation of breast cancer, but the actual cause is still unknown although we have found out some things that can possibly reduce the risk of getting breast cancer such as living a healthy life, exercise, and staying away from carcinogens. Doctors have now figured out what cancer does to the body and they have found may treatments that can cure the cancer, if not at least slow it down. It is very important that people are informed on what the different treatments are so that if you or someone close to you gets cancer, you have a general idea of what treatments are available. More and more people are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, but the good news is that the death rate has decreased due to advancements in technology. Breast Cancer Essay -- Health Breast Cancer Tumor Essays Papers Breast Cancer There is a large amount of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day but they usually do not know a lot about it in terms of how it forms and the many ways it can be treated. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that shouldn’t be taken lightly; if it is left untreated it can spread to other organs and eventually kill you.   Even if you do not have breast cancer, chances are that you know or will know someone who will get it, so it is imperative that people understand how breast cancer forms, know the stages of breast cancer, be familiar with who gets breast cancer and how you can possibly avert it, and understand all of the different ways to treat the cancer and prevent it from coming back. Breast cancer always begins with a tumor much like most other forms of cancer.   As normal body cells, or DNA, grow and divide, abnormalities occur sometimes but in normal incidences those cells are detected by the body or ribosome so the cell then repairs itself or it will disable the DNA and die. Body cells develop and divide often during the early stages of life, after that cells only divide when there are cells to replace from dying or worn out cells from injuries or viruses.   Cancer cells develop from damage in DNA. Cancer cells are not detected as â€Å"abnormal,† therefore, they continue to grow and divide without being destroyed by the body.   Cancer cells have a damaged ability to bond to one another which means that the cells can’t tell each other to stop dividing when there are too many of them; they just keep trying to fill the space which results in a mass of cells forming a tumor. A tumor can either be malignant or benign.   A malignant tumor con tinues to grow and divide rapidly and it may become life... ...the lymph nodes under the armpit and into the breast to determine if the cancer has metastasized. Many things can contribute to the formation of breast cancer, but the actual cause is still unknown although we have found out some things that can possibly reduce the risk of getting breast cancer such as living a healthy life, exercise, and staying away from carcinogens. Doctors have now figured out what cancer does to the body and they have found may treatments that can cure the cancer, if not at least slow it down. It is very important that people are informed on what the different treatments are so that if you or someone close to you gets cancer, you have a general idea of what treatments are available. More and more people are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, but the good news is that the death rate has decreased due to advancements in technology.

Monday, November 11, 2019

King of Kong

The King of Kong: A fistful of Quarters. The King of Kong: A fistful of Quarters provided many techniques and insights into interviewing different people. This documentary profiled people and showed how they had become the people they were in there everyday lives. Many times it showed previous achievements or failures and how they directly affected a persons will to succeed in the future. At the beginning of this film, Billy Mitchell was introduced as the successful gamer of the 80's that everyone one liked and looked up to.He was the idol of the gaming world that had begun to exist when he achieved his high scores in many of the classic arcade games such as donkey kong. The directors clearly focused on Billy Mitchell's self arrogance as he grew older and was engulfed into the persona of being the best gamer in the world. By the end of the documentary, it is clear that Billy Mitchell is now viewed by some as living in his own reality of the gaming world. The competitor in this film, Steve Wiebe, is portrayed as someone who has never quite been able to reach his goals.He has not been as lucky as Billy Mitchell and he assumes the underdog role. Throughout the film he is forever attempting to reach his goal of breaking the Donkey Kong record only to be shut down by unfair circumstances. Many quotes are taken from Steve and his wife about his reliance, and need of achieving the record for self justification. Throughout the entire story, Steve is followed and shown the changes in his life do to this new gaming need.Steve does not achieve his goal when he wanted to but the interviewees choose to come back and show that he did eventually persevere and obtain his goal. They chose to show that Steve was not a quitter, and could achieve what he wanted to with dedication. Overall, this documentary shows man techniques of providing different sides and views of a story. They used family members, friends, and the persons own account to express the different experiences that had occurred.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Simulation Lab

Simulation Lab Group #5 Dynamic Systems 1, ME3211 David Cramer Percentage of Work_______________________________________ Cory Spelman Percentage of Work_______________________________________ Table of Contents Objective Calculations Experimentation Results Appendices Objective The objective of this lab was to understand how to use the Working Model 2D software and to apply this knowledge to create a vibration absorber. Part 1 was to open up a demo file and analyze the force vs. time of the piston. Part 2 was to create a vibration absorber. The reason for creating the vibration absorber was to limit the motion of a punch press. This press causes unwanted vibrations that affect nearby equipment during operation. The vibration of this press was to be dissipated using a mass and spring sized appropriately for the size of the press and its motion. Calculations The reciprocal motion of the press was given by Equation 1: RPM=440+5*group number? (1) where group number was 5 and RPM is the reciprocal motion of the press in revolutions per minute. This motion was converted to radians per second by using Equation 2: ? RPM*2? 60 (2) where (2? )/(60) was used to convert the revolutions per minute to radians per second. The mass of the press and table top was given as 320kg. The mass for the vibration absorber, ma, was calculated using Equation 3: kama=? 2 (3) where ? was found based on Equation 2 and ka was found using Equation 4: ka=(4450+50*group number) (4) where group number was 5 and ka was found in units of Newtons per meter . These values were used to construct a mass spring system suspended from the table top with mass ma and spring ka. Another mass spring system was created with a mass five times larger than the previous mass and an equivalent spring necessary to satisfy Equation 3. The values found from the calculations are summarized below in Table 1 and the calculations are attached in Appendix A. | Table 1: Calculations| | ? (rad/s)| ka (N/m)| ma (kg)| 1| 15. 5| 4700| 19. 6| 2| 15. 5| 23545| 98| Experimentation For Part 1 the demo file Piston2. m2d was used to analyze the forces on a piston on a crank moving at 500 and 6500 RPM. The animation step was changed from the default value to 0. 001 seconds to allow more data points to be plotted. The plot displayed force in X-direction vs. time that was provided by the Working Model simulation and also a second set of data points for the theoretical force that was calculated using the mass of the piston and its X-acceleration. The objective of Part 2 of th is lab was to create a mass spring element to dampen the vibrations of a punch press. For this part the gravity was turned off so that the displacement of the press table caused by the forcing function could be analyzed without the effect of gravity. The punch press table was modeled in Working Model as a rectangle with a mass of 320kg which was given. The two legs were each modeled as a spring damper system with stiffness and damping given as 15N/mm and 500kg/s respectively. The sinusoidal motion of the press was modeled as a force in the Y-direction with the value given by Equation 5: F=-150sin(? t) (5) where F was the force in Newtons and ? was the value found using Equation 2. The force was applied to the center of the press table. The simulation was run on the system and a plot of the displacement of the table vs. time was created. A spring with stiffness ka found using Equation 4 was attached to the bottom of the center of the table and mass ma found using Equation 3 was attached to the other end of the spring to act as a vibration damper. The displacement of t he table top vs. ime was again plotted as well as the displacement of ma vs. time. The test procedure was repeated using a ma value 5 times larger than the previous ma value and a different ka value sized accordingly. The values for displacement for this setup were also plotted. All data series for the displacement of ma were imposed on the same chart to allow comparison between the three tests. The model used for this simulation can be seen below in Figure 1: Figure 1, [ ] Results Using demo file Piston2. wm2d a crank with a running speed of 500 RPM, was analyzed in the program for three seconds. After looking at the calculations, calculate the theoretical force by taking the mass multiplied by the acceleration. Figure 2 below shows the theoretical force compared to the actual force. Figure 1 The calculated theoretical force is similar to the actual force relative to time but differs in the directional force by being less than what the actual value really is. Changing the engine speed to 6500 RPM and repeating the process as mentioned above is the next part. Figure 3 shows the theoretical force compared to the actual force with an engine speed of 6500 RPM. Figure 3 The difference between the theoretical and actual force for 6500 RPM is the same as for the speed of 500 RPM. The theoretical force doesn’t have as much directional force as the actual. As predicted, the 6500 RPM engine moved at a much faster rate than the 500 RPM for the three seconds tested. It created many more data points and more values to compare. For part two of the experiment, a mass spring element to dampen the vibrations of a punch press was created. After calculating the ka and ma values as shown in Table 1,the mass was to be multiplied by five and the spring constant must represent the ass calculated which is also shown in Table 1. A plot was created to show the displacement of the table and displacement of ma after the addition of the absorber for both sets of masses.. Figure 4 below shows the top without dampering, the top with a damper of 19. 6 kg , and a top with a damper of 98 kg. Figure 4 Comparing the three different table top displacements, the second absor ber clearly works the best. Based on figure 4, it shows to be more constant and steadily goes towards zero at a faster rate than the top without dampering and the top with a damper of 19. 6 kg. The displacement of the top with the damper of 19. 6 kg and the top with the damper of 98 kg was plotted based on its displacement of ma. Figure 5 below shows the comparison between the two table tops with different dampering. Figure 5 Based on the given information from the graph, the second absorber works better yet again. The ma of the 19. 6 absorber isn’t as constant and dispersed everywhere while the ma of the 98 absorber is more constant and has a steady range for the seconds that it was tested. References 1 Design Simulation Technologies. (2007). Working Model 2D [Computer program]

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Zakopane essay essays

Zakopane essay essays Imagine walking up to lake Morskie oko in the boiling hot sun and stepping ina church that has stood way longer on this earth than your own two feet, that gathers invaluable information but can an adequate amount of this information be gained within the four walls of a classroom. For two weeks we studied Zakopane up close and under the microscope and observed the Society, Art and Architecture, Economy, and Geography. We were trying to answer the conundrum; can you develop a complete understanding of Society from classroom study by reading books and taking information off of the web. Even though traveling to Zakopane to learn gives you irreplaceable information, you can still learn and adequate amount in the classroom. First of all as I imagined the Gorale people were very different to your average Warszawian. Before hand we found out that the clothes that the mountain people wear are extremely unique and different to all clothes in Warsaw. They would wear very thick clothes so to cope with the weather and overall climate of the Podhale region. I also knew that the weddings of the traditional people in Zakopane were very different. They sounded very over the top but every thing involved was moderate when I heard from a Gorale. In addition I found out about the some of the customs the Gorale people adopted i.e. I f a man is not married he would wear a feather in his hat. One thing that I believed was that the weather would be a lot colder in the Tatras and in Zakopane. I thought that because the altitude of Zakopane and the Tatras was a long way above sea level. I had found some evidence to support this. One thing was that on average the temperature was five degrees Celsius over the entire year and even in summer it was only on average fifteen degrees Celsius. Finally the Zakopane residents would spend around one hundred and thirty days in the snow. When I arrived in Zakopane I was incredibly shocked to find that the weather was ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

An Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem, Because I Could Not Stop for Death

In Emily Dickinson's poem, I can not stop death, treating death as a gentleman, he surprisingly visits Dickinson and takes her to a trip to eternity ( See page 24). Ironically, we all know that death is a gentleman, but we all know that this is the opposite. In the second quarter, they all started a slow and calm journey. We are driving slowly, he does not know how to rush (I.5). You can see the silence of the scene where they are located. Dickinson understands the seriousness of her situation here, she forgot everything. Emily Dickinson's poem I can not stop dying Out of Emily Dickinson's poem Can not stop dying represents a reflection of the speaker against death. This poem focuses on the concept of life after death. The background of this verse reflects the approach of death, death is kind and considerate. Through immortal promises, fear is removed, and death not only becomes acceptable, but also is welcomed. - Analysis of Emily Dickinson's I can not stop dying The poets of the 19 th century have written many themes. The general topic is death. Death theme happens in various ways. Emily Dickinson is one of many poets who uses death as the theme of her poetry. In her poem I can not stop death Death is depicted as a gentleman who makes the talker an eternal journey. Since I can not stop death, I was declared Emily Dickinson's most famous poem. This poem reveals the acceptance of calm death of Emily Dickinson. She portrayed her death as a gentleman and she was surprised at her visit. Emily depicts everyday scenes as life cycles. Her metaphor is exploring death in a fictional way, but her line often contains as much uncertainty as meaning. Life and death are oriented forever and are considered not so important in the eternal framework. - Emily Dickinson, using symbolism, was able to create a theme with the theme I can not stop death. . We travel with the speakers and guide us through life, death and other stages. In this poem the symbol we first encountered is de ath. At their conference, the lecturer is dying as if he is the boss who is at the meeting.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Stovall home products case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stovall home products case - Essay Example We are sorry for the inconvenience caused for you in this regard and there is more effective solution available to remove stains from resin based finish. Please note, Mix the ingredients with one gallon of cold water, two tablespoon of sodium sulphate and a half cup of white vinegar thoroughly. Afterwards, immerse the whole jacket for about 20 minutes, then rinse the jacket by hand or run it in washing machine with water only, do not add anything at all and hang the jacket to drip dry. Sodium sulphate can be purchased either from a drug store or a photo supply shop. One more alternative solution is also available. You can send your Sportique jacket to us and we have many alternatives to work on it, it will take a couple of weeks’ time. If you are willing then do send it to us and Stovall will pay the postage. Website for â€Å"Negative Message Writing† (Writing Negative Messages, 2002). is used for learning about how we have to communicate the negative messages in various situations and it also involves various legal implications. In the above situation the problem is caused by the consumer not Stovall’s even though we need to treat the customer based on positive approach. So we have mentioned quite clearly the cause for the issue and also suggesting her some possible solutions to get rid of the problem. If she is not able do to it at home, Stovall is willing do to for her at Stovall’s cost. The above information can be arranged as per learning from the website. I referred a book for â€Å"Writing an effective business letter† (Writing An Effective Business Letter, 2013) for learning letter templates. Based on their template only, I had drafted the above